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Most recent paper
- The CGF dark matter fluid (November 1, 2022)
This is about a fundamental theory of cosmology entirely within the Standard Model. It explains dark matter entirely within the SM. The theory seems to be mathematically coherent. I think it has a shot at being right (about the real world).There are a lot of basic problems to work on, including formal and phenomonological calculations in the semi-classical SM and in dark matter fluid dynamics.
Supplemental Materials for recent papers
- First principles cosmology (2020 – )
- The CGF dark matter fluid (November 1, 2022)
- First principles cosmology of the Standard Model epoch (April 14, 2022), arXiv:2203.12405 [astro-ph.CO]
- A theory of the dark matter (March 22, 2022), arXiv:2203.12405 [astro-ph.CO]
Dark matter stars (March 22, 2022), arXiv:2203.12181 [astro-ph.CO]
Thermodynamic stability of a cosmological SU(2)-weak gauge field (March 22, 2022), arXiv:2203.12052 [hep-th] - Origin of cosmological temperature (May 11, 2020), arXiv:2005.05349
- Quantum field theories of extended objects/defects (2016 – )
- Quasi Riemann surfaces (November 23, 2018) (draft of a short note aimed at mathematicians)
- A new kind of quantum field theory of (n-1)-dimensional defects in 2n dimensions (November 13, 2017) (a 7 page summary)
- more papers and talks
This is a project to construct a new class of quantum field theories of (n-1)-dimensional extended objects (defects) in d=2n space-time dimensions. For each ordinary 2d qft, there is to be a corresponding new qft of (n-1)-dimensional extended objects in any 2n-dimensional space-time manifold M. The quantum fields live on “quasi Riemann surfaces”, which are certain complete metric spaces of integral (n-1)-currents in M. These quasi Riemann surfaces have analytic properties analogous to ordinary Riemann surfaces. The new qfts are to be constructed on the quasi Riemann surfaces just as ordinary 2d qfts are constructed on ordinary Riemann surfaces. The global symmetry group of the ordinary 2d qft becomes the gauge group of a local gauge symmetry in the new qft. I envision a wide expanse of new quantum field theory to explore.
- Asymptotically large-scale quantum computers (2005 – )
- Entropy flow in near-critical quantum circuits (2005 paper slightly revised for publication in 2017), also available as arXiv:cond-mat/0505084v2
- Entropy flow through near-critical quantum junctions (2005 paper slightly revised for publication in 2017), also available as arXiv:cond-mat/0505085v2
- more papers and talks
This is an attempt to formulate fundamental physical design principles for asymptotically large quantum computers and to characterize the physical systems that are suitable for asymptotically large quantum computers.
The basic argument is that near-critical physical systems are automatically protected by the renormalization group against almost all microscopic fluctuations. Only the fluctuations of the relevant and marginal couplings can affect the low energy quantum excitations. So near-critical systems are naturally suited for large-scale quantum computers. As a practical matter, large quantum computers in the real 3-dimensional world will be constructed as large-scale quantum circuits. Therefore, the proposal is that large-scale quantum computers should be constructed as near-critical quantum circuits in universality classes described by 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories.
The fundamental physical design principles should be based on the Kirchhoff laws for entropy flow in such near-critical quantum circuits, which are derived in the two papers listed above.
- A theory of large distance physics (1978 – )
- Cosmology from the two-dimensional renormalization group acting as the Ricci flow
- A pragmatic approach to formal fundamental physics
- a short paper summarizing the project (October 22, 2018)
- two talks at the Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich (February 5-6, 2019)
- more papers and talks
In my 1980 phd thesis, I showed that the renormalization group flow of 2d quantum field theory produces the solutions to Einstein’s equation for the gravitational metric of space-time. The coupling constants of the general 2d nonlinear field theory comprise a Riemannian metric on a manifold. The 2d renormalization group drives the Riemannian metric to a solution of Einstein’s equation.
I pursued the idea that the 2d renormalization group might produce the laws of physics. This led into string theory in the early 1980s. In 2002 I formulated a theory of the quantum string background produced by a “quantization” of the 2d renormalization group.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to derive anything from this theory that can be checked against experiment. It does not solve the basic problem that string theory has too many classical backgrounds (there are too many 2d conformal field theories). I hoped that the characterization of the quantum string background would predict some subtle observable effects. But I could not make the idea work.
One idea, expressed in the paper Cosmology from the two-dimensional renormalization group acting as the Ricci flow, might still work. Solutions of the 2d renormalization group fixed point equation are in principle more general than solutions of the Einstein equation. This might show up in the cosmological solution. To test the idea, one needs a first principles theory of cosmology that does not quite work with the standard Einstein equation, but does work when the fixed point equation of the 2d renormalization group is substituted. This led me into the first principles cosmology project outlined above.
My thesis was partially incorporated into string theory in the early 1980s. The 2d quantum field theory is the string world-sheet. The fixed point equation of the 2d rg — 2d scale invariance — is the consistency condition for the perturbative string S-matrix recipe. String theory provided more elaborate 2d nonlinear models whose couplings included space-time gauge and matter fields in addition to a Riemannian metric. The 2d couplings parametrize the string backgrounds. The 2d rg drives the string backgrounds to the classical solutions, the solutions of the classical space-time field equations.
Missing was a notion of a quantum string background related to a quantum field theory in space-time. There was no mechanism in string theory that produced quantum field theory — only a correspondence between the perturbative string S-matrix at low momenta and the perturbative S-matrix derived from the classical space-time field theory corresponding to the 2d rg fixed point.
In 2002, I proposed a mechanism that produces a space-time quantum field theory at large distances (in Planck units) and a quantum string background for string scattering at shorter distances, in such a way that they agree at the intermediate scale. This seems to me a perfectly acceptable form for a fundamental theory of physics to take. An S-matrix is not adequate as a complete theory of physics. Everything we know about the real physical world is described by quantum mechanics and its classical approximation. On the other hand, we have no reason to expect or need a quantum mechanical description of short distance physics, at distances many orders of magnitude smaller than we have any chance of observing experimentally. An S-matrix would be a quite suitable description of small distance physics.
The proposed mechanism is a 2d quantum field theory, the λ-model, a natural 2d nonlinear model whose target space is the space of classical space-time fields. The a priori measure of the 2d model is a functional integral on the classical fields — a quantum field theory in space-time. Perturbatively, this quantum field theory is the canonically quantized field theory. Semi-classical effects in the λ-model might produce non-canonical effects in the space-time quantum field theory. Winding modes would produce non-canonical degrees of freedom. Two-dimensional instantons would produce non-canonical couplings. Winding modes will be present in 4d space-time when there is an SU(2) gauge symmetry group. Two-dimensional instantons will be present when there is an SU(N) gauge symmetry, N ≥ 2. Predictions of non-canonical effects in the standard model might give a way to test the proposed mechanism.
More exposition
- Quantum field theories of extended objects/defects (2016 – )
- A new kind of quantum field theory of (n-1)-dimensional objects in 2n dimensions (January 16, 2018) (slides of a physics seminar, University of Amsterdam)
- A new kind of quantum field theory of (n-1)-dimensional defects in 2n dimensions (September 8, 2017) (slides of a physics seminar, Chicheley Hall, UK)
- Two notes aimed at mathematicians:
- Quasi Riemann surfaces (September 2, 2017)
- Quasi Riemann surfaces II. Questions, comments, speculations (September 2, 2017)
- Two talks on quantum field theories of extended objects (February 7-8, 2017) (slides from two physics seminars in Israel)
- Quantum field theories of extended objects (May 11, 2016) (a paper)
- Asymptotically large-scale quantum computers (2005 – )
- Entropy flow in near-critical quantum circuits (2005)
- Entropy flow through near-critical quantum junctions (2005)
- A theory of large distance physics (1978 – )
- The shape of a more fundamental theory? (slides of a seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada, May 31, 2018)
- Where does quantum field theory come from? (slides of a seminar, IHES, Paris, October 31, 2013)
- A loop of SU(2) gauge fields stable under the Yang-Mills flow (2010)
- A tentative theory of large distance physics (2002)
- Nonlinear Models in 2+ε Dimensions (1980)
Unpublished manuscripts:
- Geometric Models for Critical Systems in 2+ε Dimensions, 1979 manuscript, prepared for the directors of the Nuffield Workshop on Quantum Gravity.
- The Space of Conformal Boundary Conditions for the c=1 Gaussian model, 1999 note, circulated privately.
- The Space of Conformal Boundary Conditions for the c=1 Gaussian model (more), 2003 note, circulated privately.
- Free k-form cft in 2n dimensions, May 2, 2018 note, circulated privately.
Copies of some older papers:
- Nonlinear Models in 2+ε Dimensions, Physical Review Letters 45 (1980) 1057.
- Nonlinear Models in 2+ε Dimensions, U.C. Berkeley doctoral thesis, LBL Report LBL-11517 (1980) (scanned by LBL)
- Nonlinear Models in 2+ε Dimensions, U.C. Berkeley doctoral thesis reprinted as Annals of Physics 163 (1985) 318.
- Some Nonabelian Toy Models in the Large N Limit, Communications in Mathematical Physics 78 (1981) 353-362.
- A Proof of the Nielsen-Ninomiya Theorem, Communications in Mathematical Physics 85 (1982) 481-490.
- Introduction to Polyakov’s String Theory, Les Houches lectures (1982) (scanned).
- Conformal Invariance, Unitarity and Two Dimensional Critical Exponents, published in Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics — Proceedings of a Conference November 10-17, 1983, Publications of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute #3, Springer-Verlag (1984) (scanned).
- Supersymmetric Derivation of the Atiyah-Singer Index and the Chiral Anomaly, Nuclear Physics B235 (1984) 395.
- Covariant Methods in Superstring Theory, preprint EFI-85-09 (scanned), published in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, Santa Fe, Oct 31 – Nov 3, 1984, p. 437.
- Conformal Invariance, Unitarity, and Critical Exponents in Two Dimensions, Physical Review Letters 52 (1984) 1575.
- Superconformal Invariance in Two Dimensions and the Tricritical Ising Model, Physics Letters B151 (1985) 37.
- Random walks in two-dimensional random random environments with constrained drift forces, Physical Review A31, 6 (1985) 3841-3845.
- Notes on String Theory and Two Dimensional Conformal Field Theory, preprint EFI-85-99 (scanned, 2-up), (cropped to 1-up), published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Unified String Theories, Santa Barbara, July 29 – August 16, 1985, p. 162.
- Strings in Background Fields, Nuclear Physics B262 (1985) 593.
- Covariant Quantization of Superstrings, Physics Letters B160 (1985) 55.
- On Two-Dimensional Conformal Invariance And The Field Theory Of String, Physics Letters B162 (1985) 102.
- Conformal invariance, supersymmetry and string theory, Nuclear Physics B271 (1986) 93.
- String field theory, Nuclear Physics B271 (1986) 540.
- All free string theories are theories of forms, Nuclear Physics B274 (1986) 71.
- Covariant quantization of supersymmetric string theories: The spinor field of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz model, Nuclear Physics B278 (1986) 577.
- Details of the Non-Unitarity Proof for Highest Weight Representations of the Virasoro Algebra, Communications in Mathematical Physics 107 (1986) 535-542.
- Determinant Formulae and Unitarity for the N=2 Superconformal Algebras in Two-Dimensions or Exact Results on String Compactification, Physics Letters B172 (1986) 316.
- The integrable analytic geometry of quantum string, Physics Letters B175 (1986) 287.
- The Analytic Geometry of Two Dimensional Conformal Field Theory, Nuclear Physics B281 (1987) 509.
- A New Formulation of String Theory, Physica Scripta T15 (1987) 78-88.
- The Conformal Field Theory of Orbifolds, Nuclear Physics B282 (1987) 13.
- Super Characters and Chiral Asymmetry in Superconformal Field Theory, Nuclear Physics B296 (1988) 779.
- Phenomenology and Conformal Field Theory or Can String Theory Predict the Weak Mixing Angle, Nuclear Physics B299 (1988) 613.
- The Space of Conformal Field Theories and the Space of Classical String Ground States, in Physics and Mathematics of Strings, the Memorial Volume for Vadim Knizhnik (1989).
- c-Theorem and Spectral Representation, Nuclear Physics B352 (1991) 616.
Copies of more recent papers:
- A tentative theory of large distance physics, JHEP 0310:063 (2003).
- Boundary Entropy of One-dimensional Quantum Systems at Low Temperature, Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 030402.
- Entropy flow in near-critical quantum circuits, arXiv:cond-mat/0505084.
- Entropy flow through near-critical quantum junctions, arXiv:cond-mat/0505085.
- Infrared properties of boundaries in one-dimensional quantum systems, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P03014 (2006).
- Supersymmetric 1+1D boundary field theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (2009) 304015.
- General properties of the boundary renormalization group flow for supersymmetric systems in 1+1 dimensions, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 13 no. 6 (2009) 0810.0611.
- Gradient formula for the beta function of 2D quantum field theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (2010) 215401.
- A loop of SU(2) gauge fields stable under the Yang-Mills flow, Surveys in Differential Geometry, Vol. 15 (2010), Perspectives in mathematics and physics: Essays dedicated to Isadore Singer’s 85th birthday, edited by Tomasz Mrowka and Shing-Tung Yau, Publisher: International Press of Boston.
- Curvature formula for the space of 2-d conformal field theories, arXiv:1206.1749 [hep-th], JHEP 1209, 113 (2012).
- Lower bound on the entropy of boundaries and junctions in 1+1d quantum critical systems, arXiv:1206.5395 [hep-th], Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 140401 (2012).
- Precise lower bound on Monster brane boundary entropy, arXiv:1305.2122 [hep-th], JHEP 1307, 099 (2013).
- Constraints on 2d CFT partition functions, arXiv:1307.6562 [hep-th], JHEP 1310, 180 (2013).
- Cauchy conformal fields in dimensions d>2, arXiv:1509.07475 [hep-th], Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-40 (2016).
- Quantum field theories of extended objects, arXiv:1605.03279 [hep-th] (2016).
- A pragmatic approach to formal fundamental physics, arXiv:1810.09508 [hep-th] (2018).
- Cargese 2002 transparencies
- Wigner Symposium 2003 transparencies
- Talks on rg flows, the Ricci flow, and the Yang-Mills flow:
- Introduction to the Renormalization Group Flow (Banff, April 15, 2008)
- A conjecture on the Ricci flow (Banff, April 16, 2008)
- Supersymmetric 1+1d boundary field theory (Conference in Memory of Alexei Zamolodchikov, Moscow, June 22, 2008)
- Properties of the boundary renormalization group flow (Strasbourg, September 12, 2008)
- Quantum field theory and the Ricci flow (Reykjavik, October 20, 2008)
- Gradient property of the boundary rg flow for supersymmetric 1+1d quantum field theories (Munich, November 24, 2008)
- Introduction to the 2d Nonlinear Model and the Renormalization Group Flow (Stony Brook, January 22, 2009)
- Gradient property of the boundary rg flow for supersymmetric 1+1d quantum field theories (Edinburgh, January 28, 2009)
- Preliminary evidence for a stable 2-sphere in the Yang-Mills flow for SU(3) gauge fields on S4 (Pisa, June 24, 2009)
- Pisa talk: Addendum July 6, 2009
- A loop of SU(2) gauge fields on S^4 stable under the Yang-Mills flow (MIT, November 3, 2009)
- Where does quantum field theory come from?, Vadim Knizhnik Memorial Conference, IHES, October 31, 2013.
- Two talks on quantum field theories of extended objects (Newe-Shalom and Hebrew University, February 7-8, 2017)
- A new kind of quantum field theory of (n-1)-dimensional defects in 2n dimensions (Chicheley Hall, UK, September 8, 2017)
- The shape of a more fundamental theory? (Perimeter Institute, May 31, 2018)
- A new kind of quantum field theory of (n-1)-dimensional objects in 2n dimensions (University of Amsterdam, January 16, 2018)
- Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 Jumps by Kees Boeke
(a book for children published in 1957)
Please send any comments on this page to dfriedan AT gmail.com.